Navigating the Huddle01 SDK Migration: A Comprehensive Guide
To help you make a seamless transition to Huddle01 SDK v2.0, we've prepared this comprehensive guide that walks you through essential concepts, React and React Native walkthroughs, hooks, and exciting new features like recording & livestreaming.

Akshit Gupta
Feb 7, 2024
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Are you migrating from the legacy Huddle01 SDK to the new and improved version? Congratulations! You're about to experience a smoother and more feature-rich development journey.
Are you migrating from the legacy Huddle01 SDK to the new and improved version? Congratulations! You're about to experience a smoother and more feature-rich development journey. To help you make a seamless transition, we've prepared this comprehensive guide that walks you through essential concepts, React and React Native walkthroughs, hooks, and exciting new features like recording and livestreaming.
1. Concepts Migration Guide
Concepts Overview
As you prepare to migrate to the new Huddle01 SDK, it's important to understand the evolution of key concepts from the legacy SDK to the Long-Term Support (LTS) version. This overview will clarify the changes and introduce new concepts to ensure a smooth transition.
Here are few new concepts that’ll come in handy while developing you RTC apps using the Huddle01 SDK.
Local and Remote
Two new categorizations, "Local" and "Remote," are introduced to distinguish operations related to your own Peer object and those related to other Peers within the same Room.
Data Message
"Data Message" is a new concept allowing Peers to send text-based messages to each other, limited to 280 characters.
The "Metadata" concept allows for the attachment of additional information to Peers and the Room, serving as a flexible data store.
Read Concepts Migration Guide
2. React Walkthrough
Transitioning to React
If your application is built using React, you're in luck!
Our React Walkthrough is designed to guide you through the migration process step by step. We provide code examples and explanations to ensure you can seamlessly integrate the new SDK into your React-based projects. Follow this walkthrough to leverage the power of the new SDK while preserving your existing React app structure.
Read React Walkthrough
3. React Native Walkthrough
Elevating React Native Apps
For those working with React Native, we've got you covered as well. Our React Native Walkthrough is tailored to help you migrate your React Native applications to the new Huddle01 SDK. It includes practical examples and instructions, enabling you to maintain your app's performance and functionality while benefiting from the latest features of the SDK.
Read React Native Walkthrough
4. Harnessing the Power of Hooks
Mastering SDK Hooks
Hooks are an integral part of the new Huddle01 SDK, providing a more modular and flexible approach to building your video conferencing applications. Our guide on SDK Hooks explains how to use them effectively. Whether you're building with React or React Native, these hooks will become your best friends in implementing various functionalities seamlessly.
Here’s a quick comparison between the legacy and new SDK:

Read about SDK Hooks
5. Recording and Livestreaming Features
The integration of recording and livestreaming functionalities into your applications has undergone significant changes with the transition to the new Huddle01 SDK. Understanding these changes is key to leveraging the enhanced capabilities offered in the LTS version.
Legacy SDK Approach
In the legacy SDK, developers utilized the useRecording
hook within the React SDK to implement recording and livestreaming features. This hook provided a way to control the start and stop of recording sessions directly within the client-side application.
New SDK Implementation
With the LTS SDK, recording and livestreaming have moved to the ServerSDK. This architectural shift brings several advantages:
Cross-Platform Availability: By moving the recording and livestreaming features to the ServerSDK, these capabilities are now accessible across all platforms, including mobile applications. This ensures consistency and availability regardless of the client environment.
Server-Side Control: Server-side handling of recording and livestreaming allows for more robust management of these features, including improved security and performance.
Scalability and Reliability: The ServerSDK is designed to better handle the demands of recording and livestreaming at scale, offering a more reliable service as your user base grows.
Read about Recording/Livestreaming
6. Support for IIFE/UMD Modules Using the Core Package
The new Huddle01 SDK introduces improved support for Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) and Universal Module Definition (UMD) modules through the core package. This enhancement is designed to ensure developers can easily integrate the SDK into a wide variety of project setups, including those that rely on traditional script tags or module loaders.
IIFE/UMD Modules Overview
IIFE and UMD modules are widely used patterns for scripting in browser environments. IIFE modules execute immediately after they are defined, which is useful for creating a private scope for your application's code. UMD modules, on the other hand, offer a flexible way to work with different module systems, such as AMD, CommonJS, or as global variables when module systems are not present.
Read about IIFE/UMD
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