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Livestream on LinkedIn via Huddle01 Web App

A step-by-step guide for you to livestream your next event or content on LinkedIn via Huddle01 and engage with your audience in real-time.

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Parnika Singh

Mar 12, 2024

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LinkedIn livestreams are a powerful tool for creators to engage their audience, build a strong personal brand, and grow their reach. Here are the multiple ways in which LinkedIn livestreams can help creators:

  1. Direct Audience Engagement: Interact with your audience in real-time. Answer questions, respond to comments, and address concerns on the go, fostering a deeper connection with your followers.

  2. Showcase Expertise: Use livestreams to demonstrate your expertise in a particular field. Share insights, provide tutorials, offer advice, and discuss industry trends, positioning yourself as a thought leader.

  3. Build your Brand: Livestreams provide you with an opportunity to showcase your personality and unique perspectives. By consistently delivering valuable content, you can establish a strong personal brand that resonates with their audience.

  4. Increase Visibility: Livestreams are prioritized by LinkedIn's algorithm, making them more likely to appear in users' feeds. This increased visibility can help creators attract new followers, expand their network, and grow their audience.

  5. Collaboration Opportunities: Livestreams can also be used for collaborations with other creators or industry experts. By hosting joint livestreams, creators can leverage each other's audiences and reach a wider demographic.

  6. Promote Services: Creators can use livestreams to showcase their products or services in action. Whether they're launching a new product, conducting a demo, or offering a behind-the-scenes look at their creative process, livestreams provide a dynamic platform for promotion.

  7. Generate Leads: Livestreaming can be a valuable tool for lead generation. Creators can encourage viewers to sign up for their email list, download a free resource, or book a consultation, helping them nurture leads and convert followers into customers.

LinkedIn livestreaming offers creators a unique opportunity to connect with their audience in a meaningful way, showcase their expertise, and grow their personal brand. By leveraging LinkedIn effectively for livestreaming, one can accommodate various types of events and content formats tailored to the professional audience on the platform.
Here are few ideas to get you started:

  1. Webinars & Workshops: Share your expertise on specific topics, provide insights, best practices, and actionable advice to help audience improve their skills or solve common challenges.

  2. Panel Discussions & Q&A Sessions: Invite industry experts or thought leaders to participate in discussions, offering diverse perspectives and valuable insights.

  3. Product Launches & Demonstrations: Showcase latest offerings and highlight key features, provide a live demonstration of the product in action and answer questions from viewers.

  4. Interviews & Fireside Chats: Invite industry leaders or influencers, ask thought-provoking questions and facilitate a meaningful conversation that provides valuable insights and perspectives.

  5. Conferences & Summits: Stream keynote speeches, panel discussions and provide a comprehensive conference experience for your audience from anywhere around the globe.

  6. Training Sessions & Tutorials: Provide step-by-step instructions, demonstrate techniques, and offer practical tips to help your audience learn new skills or improve existing ones.

  7. Company Updates & Announcements: Keep your audience informed about important developments within the organization. Share news, updates, and insights directly with followers, fostering transparency and trust.

LinkedIn livestreaming is a versatile tool for professionals to host a wide range of events and content formats tailored to the needs and interests of their audience.

But how do you get started with LinkedIn Livestreaming?
And which tool do you choose to stream your content/event?
Here's your complete guide to Livestream on LinkedIn via Huddle01 - no 3rd party tools or custom settings needed.

How to Livestream on LinkedIn via Huddle01

  1. Head to

  2. Choose the type of event you want to stream on LinkedIn - Video Meeting or Audio Spaces

  3. Connect your wallet

  4. Set up your display name, check video and audio and start the meeting

  5. Once you enter the room, you can click on the 3 dots in the top right corner, click on copy meeting link url and invite anyone who will be joining the stream with you.

  6. Next, click on Go Live Button in the bottom right corner, select LinkedIn and a pop-up to enter the Streaming URL and Key should open.

Next, head to LinkedIn Custom Stream Page

  1. Under New stream, select Go live now.

  2. Under Create a post, select the profile or LinkedIn Page you want to stream to.

    If you’re streaming from a personal profile, you can select the level of visibility you want for the post.

  3. Draft the associated post copy, add hashtag, and tag members or Pages.

  4. Under Your stream details, add the Title for your stream.

  5. In the Stream settings tab at the bottom, pick your region, then click Get URL.
    Note: Not all regions have a dedicated source in the Region dropdown list. If you don’t see your region, you can still go live by selecting the region closest to you.

  6. Copy the Stream URL and Stream Key and head back to your Huddle01 Meeting room to paste the URL and Key inside the pop-up, and click Start Streaming.

  7. Once the connection is established, you will see LinkedIn Live icon on the top-left corner of the meeting room.

  8. Head back to your LinkedIn Custom Stream Page and you can see a preview of your live video on the custom stream page.

  9. Once you're ready, click Go live on the top right corner of the custom stream page and your stream should be visible to the audience.

  10. While you’re live, you can do the following on the custom stream page:

    • Monitor your stream using the Stream health tab and the Analytics tab.

    • Manage your comments and mute commenters in the Comments section.

    • Get the link to your stream for sharing by clicking Copy link to video.

    • Stop streaming by clicking End stream on the top right corner.

And that's it, In just a few steps you can start livestreaming your event or content on LinkedIn via Huddle01 and engage with your audience in a whole new way.

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